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Landscape Design In Pittsburg

“Landscaping Design Near Me”: How to Find the Best Landscapers in Pittsburg, GA without Yelp

When you google “Landscaping Design Near Me,” you are probably going to get several locations from google maps or a link to with a list of businesses for landscape design in Pittsburg, GA. But what really makes a landscaper the best? You want someone who is experienced, who will not make mistakes, and who knows the environment they are working in. There are certain options for landscaping design which will do much better in the climate of Pittsburg, GA, and any decent landscaper will know which plants and other features not to install because they will simply be a waste of your money. Here are some things to know about landscaping design in DeKalb (or any county for that matter), so you can find out which “landscaping design near me” businesses know what they’re doing without relying on blogs and yelp.

Plants that Need More Sunlight

Sun provides food for nearly all plants, but some plants need more sunlight than others. On the other hand, some plants do better in shady environments, because the sun will simply dry them out. A good landscaping designer will know which is which and will not recommend plants that will die in the DeKalb climate or require an excess of maintenance to stay alive. Sunny border plants are plants that flourish in direct sunlight. Some popular sunny border plants are yarrow, Shasta daisy, purple coneflower, blanket flower, Russian sage, butterfly weed, lavender, sedum, daylily, verbena, bee balm, and aster. As you can see, there are plenty of options for plants that will thrive if you live in a hot, sunny environment. Some other perennials that enjoy sun include lamb’s ear, hens and chicks, miniature roses, artemisia, dianthus, and hibiscus, while some good flowers to choose from are petunia, ageratum, salvia, moss rose, sunflower, zinnia, marigold, geranium, and coleus. There are many beautiful sunny border plants to choose from, so do not waste your time with vegetation that will dry up in the sun.

Plants that Flourish in Rainy Environments

However, you may live in a climate where the rain never seems to stop. In this case, you will need to choose plants that are difficult to overwater and can take the force of a downpour. Rainforest plants, for example, tend to have lots of thin leaves while plants that do well in drier climates usually have thicker trunks and leaves. Some plants that enjoy moist conditions are lily of the valley, bugbane, crinum, sweet woodruff, daylily, rose mallow, blue vervain, monkey flower, and iris. There are also several grasses that thrive in damp areas and will bring texture to your garden: northern sea oats, Indian grass, little bluestem, cordgrass. If you’re looking for some vines, you should consider ajuga, trumpet creeper, Carolina jessamine, and liriope.

The Effects of Wind on Plants

One thing you may not have considered is the wind, which can have many effects on your landscape’s vegetation. Wind shakes up plants and blows away weak branches and leaves. It will blow debris from plants across your landscape and may cause pileups of compost. If you live in an ocean area, the wind can bring in moisture from the ocean and affect the air where your plants grow. If you live in a dry, desert climate, the wind can blow around the dry, hot air. Overall, you need plants that can take the force of the wind. Some plants that do well in windy environments are mountain ash, crepe myrtle, redbud, cabbage palm, dogwood, willow, bayberry, Japanese maple, Carolina silverbell, American holly, and Yaupon holly. These plants are resistant to all kinds of wind, but make sure they also do well with the temperature and the humidity in DeKalb!

Effects of Weather and Climate on Other Landscape Features

Don’t forget that the weather can affect other aspects of your landscape: architecture, edging, irrigation, and more. Depending on where you live you might have to invest in a better irrigation system to get enough water to your plants. The climate is also very important when choosing garden edging; plastic will wear away easily and natural wood will rot; however, treated wood may be harmful to your plants and stronger materials, such as rock or concrete, are more expensive. You must also consider how the weather will affect your architectural investments; you don’t want your beautiful gazebo to be destroyed by a violent storm!

The Search for “Landscaping Design Near Me” is Over!

This is a lot of information to consider; however, if you choose the right landscaper, all this research and anxiety won’t even be necessary! A good landscaper should know what features will do the best in what climate; it is their job to help you make the best decisions for your home. Look no further; at Teamscapes, we have 25 years of experience in landscaping design and maintenance in Pittsburg, GA, and we are extremely knowledgeable about our trade. We will help you create a landscape that you will never regret!

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